February 19, 2009

BURY YOUR DEAD frontman Myke Terry has recorded a guest appearance on the track "Dim Shape In A Black Hole Life", to be included on the forthcoming third album from Italian metallers SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE, tentatively titled "Mothra". SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE says in a statement, "We're proud to have Myke on our new album and we'd like to thank him for his kindness and friendship."

SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE entered Planet Red Studios in Richmond, Virginia on February 12 to begin recording and mixing the new CD with producer Andreas Magnusson (THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, THE AGONY SCENE, SCARLET, DUFRESNE, BECOMING THE ARCHETYPE, SPITFIRE, TWELVE TRIBES). Songtitles set to appear on the album include "Forever, Works Just in Songs", "A Full View On Heaven", "Gamera I: Death Worship Era", "Gamera II: The So Called Northern Half", "What a Rockin' Heavy Metal Get-Up, Dude!"."

SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE last fall parted ways with guitarist Ivan Odorico and replaced him with Manuel "Sean" Giannella (DAYSHINE RISING). According to SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE, "he is a very talented guitar player and he is the perfect consolidating link between what we have recorded until today and the new stuff we're going to release in the future."

SLOWMOTION APOCALYPSE released its second album, "Obsidian", in April 2007 via Scarlet Records. Recorded by Riccardo Pasini (EPHEL DUATH, THE SECRET, REPRISAL) at Studio 73 and by Ettore Rigotti (DISARMONIA MUNDI) at dB Studio and mixed and produced by Ettore Rigotti, the CD features guest vocals by the mighty Tomas Lindberg (ex-AT THE GATES, THE GREAT DECEIVER),Gianluca "GL" Perotti (ex-EXTREMA) and Claudio Ravinale (DISARMONIA MUNDI).

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